Salary 3 250 - 3 550 USD Contract 4 m Sign on in 5 days No Visas are needed...
Salary 8 250 - 8 800 USD Contract 4 m Sign on in 5 days...
Atlas are urgently looking for a Motorman to join a DP3 Semi-Submersible Accommodation Support Vessel in the North Sea, UK to...
CRANE OPERATOR - STAGE 3 - OFFSHORE O&G Duration: 2 weeks Start date: the 14th Feb. Candidates must have : Offshore C...
TOS - Energy & Maritime Crew is looking for Radio Operator for Jack Up barge....
Good maneuvering skills and 4 point mooring experience are requested...
Joining - mid February 3 months rotation. Knuckle Boom experience....
02.02.2022 Open vacancy for Ukrainian/Russian 2O DPO to join DP3 - Accommodation Support Vessel CSS Accommodation Support...
Sealanes Marine Services Inc. is in need of AB for a Crew Boat. ETD: FEBRUARY & MARCH Basic Qualification - Internatio...
Sealanes Marine Services Inc. is in need of Chief Officer for a Crew Boat. ETD: FEBRUARY & MARCH Basic Qualification -...
Sealanes Marine Services Inc. is in need of Master for a Crew Boat. ETD: FEBRUARY & MARCH Basic Qualification - Intern...
Sealanes Marine Services Inc. is in need of Chief Engineer for a Towing Tug. ETD: FEBRUARY & MARCH Basic Qualification...