ETO (for DSV (Diving Support)): DSV DP2 Persian gulf (ADNOC - UAE) Candidate must have 24 months rank experience...
Salary:Contractual salary Type of vessel:Platform Supply vessel Boarding date:14/02/2022 Contract Duration: 5 weeks +/-2 w...
Date of Crew Change: 14.02.2022 Date of Travel readiness: 13.02.2022 Contract Duration: 5 weeks +/-2 weeks Rotation: regu...
We are looking for experienced Stewards for Hopper Dredgers, in Germany& Denmark. Position: Stewards Quantity: A lot Ves...
Type of work:Contract Start date:March 1, 2022 Job location:India We are looking for Surveyor for a project in India. A...
WRS are looking for the following ranks for a Dive Support Vessel operating in South East Asia -Bosun/Crane Operator...
WRS are looking for the following ranks for a Dive Support Vessel operating in South East Asia -Chief Engineer Start AS...
WRS are looking for the following ranks for a Dive Support Vessel operating in South East Asia -Master Start ASAP for a 2...
We are looking for Electrician to join Jack Up with the relevant experience. Start on 09-02. BOSIET+CA-EBS, offshore medical...
We are Urgently looking for Master with strong anchor handling experience and good maneuvering skills. joining: immediately;...
We are looking for 1st Engineer for Offshore Heavy lift DP3 vessel. Start: 16/02 or 23/02; period: 5 weeks on/off; BOSIET + C...
We are urgently looking for Latvian Night Cook to join Jack Up on 23/02 for 4 weeks on/off steady rotation. BOSIET and CA EBS...