Chief Officer x2 ASAP North Sea W2W 4-6 weeks Must have W2W experience Please contact only if you have the certific...
MASTER Vessel: TUG Start: 02-03-2022 Location: Denmark MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: ✔ ASD and PushTug experience is...
2nd Officer - MUST BE LIVING IN MYANMAR ASAP Myanmar PSV 60 days Please contact only if you have the certificate/ exp...
Chief Officer - MUST BE LIVING IN MYANMAR ASAP Myanmar PSV 60 days Please contact only if you have the certificate/ e...
Information about the Chief Engineer vacancy (for Jack-up Platform): We are searching for: MASTER for Jack UP SP - LOCATIO...
Information about the Chief Engineer vacancy (for Jack-up Platform): We are searching for: CE on JACK UP SP - LOCATION: Pe...
We are looking for Cook to join Research/Survey Vessel Required: - Cook COC Location: EU (Due to location of project E...
Information about the ETO vacancy (for Jack-up Platform) We are searching for: ETO for Jack UP SP - LOCATION: Persian Gulf...
The role is available to Nigerian applicants only. Positions -Tug Boat Master -Chief Officer -Chief Engineer -Second...
European Electrical Engineer to join a survey/research vessel in the Republic of Ireland as soon as possible on a two month...
WRS urgently need a Steward to travel tomorrow to join a DSV in Spain and travel to Nigeria for 8 week trip COVID PCR requir...
We are looking for an experienced ASD push tug Master (EU) who is available next week. Period 4-6 weeks in Europe !...