2nd Engineer Salary - $ 7 000 - $ 8 000 per month Oil Products Tanker Embarkation - 25/02/2022 DURATION - 6 months...
Master (for Oil Products Tanker): Master on Medium Range Oil Tanker 9000-10000 USD Embarkation ASAP Duration 6+-1...
Chief Officer (for Oil Products Tanker): Chief Officer on Medium Range Oil Tanker 7000-8000 USD Duration 6+-1 Embarkation...
Manship Seafaring Redefined is hiring FULL CREW for Bulk Tankers. - Master - Chief Mate - 2nd Mate - 3rd Mate - Chief...
Boatswain Salary: $ 1 851 per month Container Ship Embarkation: 03/03/2022 Duration: 1 month...
4th Engineer (for Chemical tanker): 3200 + 700 rejoining two contracts as 4th Eng, good English, age limit -37, 2021 YOB, g...
Chief Officer (for Bulk Carrier): min 2 contracts on the same type of vessel,good Eng lish, good promotion, age limit-45...
Chief Officer on Bunkering Vessel 7700 $ Please with experience in rank on this type of vessels, with good English....
Chief Officer (for Bulk Carrier): DESE Crew Management is looking for a candidate Position: Chief Officer Vessel type: Bul...
2nd Officer on Chemical Tanker Chemical Tanker 50000 DWT 4200+700$ REJOINING min 2 contracts on the same type of vessel,go...
Chief Officer on Chemical Tanker 11177 $ Chemical Tanker 50000 DWT min 2 contracts on the same type of vessel,good Eng lish...
4th Engineer on Chemical Tanker 3200 + 700$ rejoining two contracts as 4th Eng, good English, age limit -37, 2021 YOB, good...